I get e-mailed quite often with people asking me about causes of impotence. My responses tend to cover specific targeted information of direct causes rather than the medical jargon based answers. More like a practical day to day cause that my readers can identify with. Only a medical professional can diagnose someone with being impotent.
I can only listen to the symptoms and based off of my researched opinion on the matter provide you with more information. So what are some common causes of impotence? I will go over three and show you ways they can affect you. This is by no means a complete list nor is it a full explanation of all of the causes of impotence.
Smoking: When a person smokes, the blood circulation is heavily reduced and blood vessels can become clogged overtime. One of the most important components in maintaining an erection is blood flowing to the penis enough to build it up. Since smoking slows this process the penis can't get the amount of blood it would normally need in order to hold the erection. If you could imagine a narrow water balloon filling with fluid, this is similar to how blood fills vessels in the penis.
Using that analogy you can see how important it is to keep a clear path for fluids to flow. Smoking will slow down the path or worse shut it off completely leaving its victim impotent. I don't have enough time to name all of the health risk smoking has been associated with. If you have never thought about quitting, consider impotence as another consequence for you to ponder.
Medications: While Viagra, Cialis and Levitra help to treat impotence other medications can cause it. Some side effects of high blood pressure prescriptions weaken the blood pressure that is needed in the leg and genital area. High blood pressure medication reduces the blood pressure flowing through the walls of arteries.
Although this is often life saving, using it has the exact opposite effect that is needed for an erection. Consult your doctor about alternative treatments if you are being affected. Never stop taking the prescribed medication your doctor has given. It is better to be temporarily impotent than to have high blood pressure which can be fatal.
Stress: If you are a man under a lot of stress then you may have to deal with impotence something in your life. Not just impotence but other health problems as well. Too many times I hear of people dying prematurely only because they had over stressed themselves. You only live once and you have to stop and smell the roses from time to time.
A man under stress usually doesn't have the desire to perform simply because his mind is elsewhere. This is where impotence can be brought on by mental anxiety and where physical factors don't even play a role. Don't get me wrong, physical stress is more often the cause of it. However you can never underestimate the part mental stress figures into impotency.
There is my list of three common causes for impotence that can easily be identified and prevented. A common thread covered was the importance of normal blood circulation. The best way to keep the blood flowing properly is to exercise on a regular basis and visit you doctor regularly for check ups. Blood is the life of the body and circulation needs to be taken care of so problems like impotence don't happen.